Tuesday, January 29, 2013

boys rooms

N's room
N's room, other side
B's room (which originally had both cribs) so we split up the boys around 6 months (or was it 4? or 9? i truly have no memory of the first year) as part of the phase where we did anything that would have the smallest possibility of getting them to stop waking up 3+ times a night each. (for the record, it didnt help. nothing did till we nighweaned and did Ferber style CIO at 13 months). for most of the time N was sleeping in a crib shoved into the corner of what used to be the guest room. I finally got around to clearing out the room and putting together some art for the walls and hanging up shelves for the white noise machines. I would still like to put them back in the same room together one day, but will probably wait a bit as they seem to need different amounts of sleep in the morning, and nap better when they are on their own.

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