Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My room

Here is the after of the room from the previous pictures:

It is our third bedroom, and it is all mine :) This is partially because I have an awesome husband, and partially because I have a husband who doesn't like looking at my sewing mess.

It isn't all done, I need to paint and rehang the closet doors, put up some art, and I would like to get a new chair for the sewing desk. But things are put away and everything has a place.


  1. It looks great so far. But don't tell me that your beautiful tulip table is going in your office... ???

  2. it is. it got scratched by the movers so i am expecting to be reimbursed for it, and we need a larger table for the dinning room.
    but im going to use it as a dressing table, with mirror, jewelry box, etc, so it will be we loved in there! the "office" is actually in the other room, no ugly printers or anything in here.
